E-book: Email Campaigns
How using Email Campaigns helps brands connect with their audience? Find out how to build lasting specifier relationships with our emailing feature.
Emails that keep specifiers open – and clicking.
Relevance and timing are essential components for successful marketing. BIMobject's Email Campaign tool makes it easy to target specific segments and build lasting relationships with specifiers.
Among manufacturers, BIMobject Email campaigns are a favored, user-friendly communicative outlet to stay close to leads, provide on-site support, and offer additional knowledge to specifiers worldwide.
Find out how BIMobject's tool for Email Campaigns helps Ariston get closer to prospects and leads.
For Ariston, designing in BIM means optimizing resources, minimizing waste, and offering professional services in all project phases.
They also realized the marketing potential of having BIM objects and decided to use it in their marketing communication with the help of BIMobject's tool for Email campaigns. Get to know the tool and check out their experience.
"We use email campaigns weekly, as specifiers may need short-term support with our BIM objects."

About Ariston
Ariston Group is a global specialist in water heating and heating. They lead the energy transition by offering a full range of heat pumps for heating, cooling, and hot water. Ariston is the leading and most international brand of Ariston Group, a global leader with over 90 years of history, almost 8,000 employees, and a market presence in 150+ countries.
Ariston published its products on bimobject.com – the digital marketplace for BIM objects and building product information – in 2016. But Email campaigns isn't the only marketing tool used to attract specifiers...
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