Green building certifications: why they matter to manufacturers
Wondering what green building certifications are? Why governments, markets, and people want them? Or how manufacturers can benefit from the rating systems? In that case: this e-book is right up your alley.

At this point and time, you probably know that sustainability is changing the landscape of business in the building industry.
Policymakers are pressuring the development, markets are making green buildings the main attraction, and certification systems are setting the scene for how architects, engineers, and interior designers carry out projects and specify products.
But how can manufacturers adapt to meet green building trends, needs, and demands? This 24-page e-book gives you the answers you seek 👉
Get the nuts and bolts of green rating systems
There’s no denying that sustainable architecture and green building certifications are the future of the building industry. But we get it: the topics can feel a bit overwhelming. Trying to navigate your way through green building rating systems can feel like an exhaustive brain marathon… But we want to change that feeling. Pronto.
This guide will bring you clarity on:
- what constitutes a green building
- why green building certifications matter;
- the global triggers for green building activity;
- who’s driving the green growth;
- how a real-life architect deals with green design – interview;
- how to make green design and sustainability data part of your product pitch.
Ready to sink your teeth into the answers?
Our process involves conscious considerations of environmental factors such as climate impact, structure, materials, energy efficiency, recyclability, and circularity. It’s always our ambition to select materials that are sustainable over time in terms of health and the environment.”
Getting specified in sustainable building projects
Should manufacturers bother with green building certifications? Let's uncover the answer in three words: Yes, yes… YES. Green buildings are in demand for architects, engineers, developers, investors, market occupants, governments intergovernmental organizations – you get it.
As a manufacturer, you want to create and supply products in demand. And you need to lead sales conversations that resonate with specifiers. But that requires that you learn how green rating systems work – and what data you need to deliver to get specified in green building projects.